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  • Oct 07, 2024

Study Visit of 42 Member Delegation from Federation of Cooperative Credit Union of Honduras, (FACACH): 05-18 October 2024.

Study Visit of 42 Member Delegation from Federation of Cooperative

         Credit Union of Honduras, (FACACH): 05-18 October 2024.



FACACH Honduras is a member of the Global Committee of Cooperative Credit Union and Cooperative Banking. Honduras is officially Republic of Honduras. Honduras is a Central American country with Caribbean Sea coastlines to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. In the tropical rainforest near Guatemala, the ancient Mayan ceremonial site Copán has stone-carved hieroglyphics and stelae, tall stone monuments. In the Caribbean Sea are the Bay Islands, a diving destination.

The Study Visit of 42 Member Delegation from Federation of Cooperative Credit Union of Honduras, (FACACH) to India was successfully conducted between 05-18 October 2024, delegates visited the following institutions/organisations in India:


  1. Maharashtra State Cooperative Bank Ltd., (ii) SIKHAR, (iii) NABARD H.O., Mumbai, (iv) Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management (VAMNICOM), Pune, (v) RBI College of Agricultural Banking (CAB), Pune NAFSCOB etc., (vi) Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank, District Central Cooperative Bank (DCCB), Agricultural Cooperative Staff Training Institute (ACSTI), Hyderabad, (vii) A one-day seminar was held on 14-10-2024 at Hyderabad with the aim of facilitating the exchange on topics such as: the structure of organizations, their management, vision and mission of cooperatives, agriculture or agricultural credit policies, significant impact of refinancing, relevance and applicability of democratic management, governance and role of government in cooperative credit development, strategies adopted for capacity building efforts, performance indicators, human resource issues, etc., (viii) National Cooperative Union of India (NCUI), Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative (IFFCO), Krishak Bharat Cooperative Ltd. (KRIBHCO), ICA-AP, Ministry of Cooperation, GoI, New Delhi etc.